MATERIALITY & IMMATERIALITY -- Yap Jia Cherng 1001642857

Role of Materiality and Immateriality in architecture today

Materiality, in definition, is the application of one or more material with different kind of form, method, quality, amount, in a building. While immateriality is the introduction of abstract to a building. Both works like soul and body. In past ages architecture was about materiality, after that in 19th century, the raise of space emphaty introduces the importance of immateriality towards architecture. As both of it evolve until then, architecture today should showcase the variety and richness of combination between the two. As the technolgy today and after will be able to support more possibilities, those fantastic imagination should be able to bring real with the use of the adaquate porpotion of material and immaterial, and bring arcchitecture to a different level.

In my opinoin, materiality and immateriality is about the shell and soul of architecture. Materiality dominantly shows the richness of properties of materials in architecture, and the transformation of those materials in order to cope with the design. Immateriality dominantly shows different human perception about a design, or what the design wanted to show, and these all affects the value judgement of a building.

          Jewish Museum (the new designed building), Daniel Libeskind 

The idea behind this museum is about the assaults on Jews during world war II, the feelings of the refugees during their exile from Germany to varioius parts of Europe, and the mistreat and humilation to them.

There is a linear void slicing through the entire building with a 66m height wall which is to represents " a line of Voids " in Jewish historical life.The narrow and tall space is trying to intergrate the feeling and meaning of the holocaust to the public, phisically and spiritually. The void is to tell that " That which can never be exhibited when it comes to Jewish Berlin history: humanity reduced to ashes. "

When we talk about material in this space, it is concrete with a nice touching texture, the immaterial was the light penetrating from the top and also the narrowness of the space. when both of it comes together, it creates a space with a feeling of hollowness, sadness and so trapped in between huge, strong, rough concrete structure which only allow some unreachable light to cast inside from the top. The length of this linear void also expresses the duration of time of these humilation that they have recived.

This is another space in the museum, which is called garden of exile, is a space where have concrete pillars tilted 12 degrees to a direction which is to represent the Jewish protesting, standing firm and do not want to be chase out by Germans. This space is simply pillars but the pillars are slightly a larger scale to normal person. The arrangement of the pillars creates a feeling that the visitor actually travel to the timeline and watching the people protecting their rights when they actually walk around and between the gap of the pillars.

The form of a building creates a feeling of solid, unbreakable wall, with a distiorted straight line, with the use if heavy lookong and solid materials instead off glass, or light penetratable materials.

The choice of materials compliment with the immaterial, creates emptiness, horrow, hopeless, unreachable hope or unescapable enclosure. Although immateriality still depends on human perception, but at least it helps to express what the designer wanted to tell.

In a nutshell, materiality and immateriality does not have to stand alone to show which is the best choice, instead they should cope together in order to have a more interesting and expressable arcitecture.

