Material x Immateriality Yan Chyuan Kai
Y a n C h y u a n K a i
As we gone thru today's lecture , we were to understand the "Materiality" and "Immateriality" in architecture term and to understand their link to one another .
Materiality is a concept of applying completely raw material in architecture world , which it will directly bring out its innocent characteristics , its history , its genuine reason of existence . Its existence can be perceived thru our human senses , mainly consist of 5 senses which is sight , smell , taste , touch and lastly hearing . We sense the different textures of material through sight and touching , we listen to the echos reflected from the materials , and smell and taste on material . The materiality basic element mainly are timber , masonry , sand and stone.
On this matter , i would like to use a case study to support my understanding on materiality .
Fraser River House - Architect Scott M. Kemp
Location : Fraser River , British Columbia , Canada
This house serves as a residence house for the architect himself. This house largely made from salvaged wood from nearby elk reserve . As Leon Battista Alberti once said, :
" Not every place will have the same supply of stone , sand and so on , since the quality and quantity of natural resources vary from place to place . And so use should be made of whatever is available . "
best describe the house built based on the availability of material.
The house is completely furnished with wood , interior and exterior part of building . The material itself voice out its gradation and the characteristics which we able to feel with our senses .
From the foundation to the roof element , fullfilled with raw material aspect .
Immateriality on the other hand , creates a modern sensation . The concept of immateriality prominently has to do with illusion like what we observe on overall building features . It is not only become a design or ideas of an architect , instead it can also become a message or idea from the architect to the world . Voicing out the immateriality can be Timeless , withstand the test of time . Immateriality also can be said it give a whole new innovative of space planning , not only the materials used , but also the ambience of a place . As the availability of materials in modern era increased , immateriality is enhanced with those new technologies and various innovative materials . For instant , glass is a very mysterious materials which architect able to play around with the illusion given the circumstances , it produces a great space planning .
Conclusion , materiality and immateriality is all about the expression of material properties and how the people perceive on it . I would strongly argued and support the usage of raw material - MATERIALITY combining with modern era style - IMMATERIALITY .
Jonathan Hill said :
"Immaterial Architecture advocates an architecture that fuses the immaterial and the material , and considers its consequences , challenging proconceptions about architecture , its practice , its purpose , matter and use .. so that they are in conjunction not opposition .... "
Although the differences is big , but i believe material and immaterial can be mingle together. As the world is moving forward , the building and designs are leaning towards the immateriality , but raw material should not be forgotten , as we must the balance in both , forming a new style in architecture
References :
Jonathan Hill article : Immaterial architecture
Leon Battista Alberti : Art of Building
As we gone thru today's lecture , we were to understand the "Materiality" and "Immateriality" in architecture term and to understand their link to one another .

On this matter , i would like to use a case study to support my understanding on materiality .
Location : Fraser River , British Columbia , Canada
This house serves as a residence house for the architect himself. This house largely made from salvaged wood from nearby elk reserve . As Leon Battista Alberti once said, :

best describe the house built based on the availability of material.
The house is completely furnished with wood , interior and exterior part of building . The material itself voice out its gradation and the characteristics which we able to feel with our senses .
From the foundation to the roof element , fullfilled with raw material aspect .
Immateriality on the other hand , creates a modern sensation . The concept of immateriality prominently has to do with illusion like what we observe on overall building features . It is not only become a design or ideas of an architect , instead it can also become a message or idea from the architect to the world . Voicing out the immateriality can be Timeless , withstand the test of time . Immateriality also can be said it give a whole new innovative of space planning , not only the materials used , but also the ambience of a place . As the availability of materials in modern era increased , immateriality is enhanced with those new technologies and various innovative materials . For instant , glass is a very mysterious materials which architect able to play around with the illusion given the circumstances , it produces a great space planning .
Conclusion , materiality and immateriality is all about the expression of material properties and how the people perceive on it . I would strongly argued and support the usage of raw material - MATERIALITY combining with modern era style - IMMATERIALITY .
Jonathan Hill said :
"Immaterial Architecture advocates an architecture that fuses the immaterial and the material , and considers its consequences , challenging proconceptions about architecture , its practice , its purpose , matter and use .. so that they are in conjunction not opposition .... "
Although the differences is big , but i believe material and immaterial can be mingle together. As the world is moving forward , the building and designs are leaning towards the immateriality , but raw material should not be forgotten , as we must the balance in both , forming a new style in architecture
References :
Jonathan Hill article : Immaterial architecture
Leon Battista Alberti : Art of Building
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