Simplicity - Leong Jiang Ling 1001436853

"Circle is to Related".

Today, I would like to talk about my previous architecture project, a museum gallery called Moment Circle. As my title said, circle is to related, this project is to present the linking with each other in this area. This shape is inspired by a circle, which is formed from my 2D abstract. This circle usually used as to represent where the people gather, a human node.

This circle form changed from an original shape to a messy pie shape with combining them became a new form, which is my form now present. This is because of what my pie chart is, include in my 2D abstract. 

In its interior, the cafe is provided a glass wall to let people having a view into the center of this building, as the center of this building will having all day outdoor events that entertain the people inside this gallery. 

There is two gallery space, which one of it is a double volume space that can view from top to bottom or oppositely.

Therefore, there is a viewing deck at the top of the ground floor, this is to provide a nice viewing and keep them away from a busy street. On this viewing deck, I provided a shading device which can provide a relaxation to people.

As inside this museum gallery, there is a stripe like seats provided to represent the shape and the relation between people gather there. Besides, few trees are planted and a wooden floor is placed to let people assimilate to the nature surrounding.

From the exterior of this museum gallery, there is a line appear to be a "beauty" for this building as a circle.

From my project, I think that my building is simplicity, as Vittorio Gregotti said, "a process of adhering to the essence of use, to lack of ornament". My building would like to said is to fulfill all the requirement for people that are using, and to serve purposes of this land.

My building is simple, although it looks very messy, but because of its simple shape, and all of the design work for its purposes. As Gregotti said, a building is simple not because its shapes conform to elementary geometry, not because all of it is immediately visible, or because the logic is evident in its connections, but because all its part voice their necessity.

If you say my building is complex, I will not strongly disagree, because, in my interior, there is much more design in it, but it still serves for purposes. The simplicity is needed while complicity appeared, vice verse. As the "A simple building must thus compose its own image as the superficial tension of complexity".
