Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets - Chin Yi Hong 1001542729


     The movie ‘ Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ’ has totally lead me into the story plot . The background setting of the movie is a fantastic world with high technology where human is able to transfer themselves to other planets and communicate with aliens . It is set in the future which is 500 years later . In this world , instead of going to the actual market , they would rather go to a different dimensional market , which is called ' big market ' . The way how they transfer themselves to the ' big market ' is actually blowing my mind . They do not actually transfer themselves into the market but their sight , they can see the situation of the market and yet transfer back the things they purchased by using a converter .  

     There is no changes of climate shown in this movie . However , for my opinion , the climate there does not affect the lives of the people , it may just like the world we are living in now , providing sunlight and other needs of human . They are able to live outdoor . There is no any illnesses only found in this world but the higher the technology developed , the more powerful that the damage can be extended . For example , the damage of the war of this world is able to destroy a planet . It will cause a huge threat to any planet of the universe .  

                                                                                  Planet Mül

     Planet Mül , it is such a beautiful planet with clear sky and limpid sea , the Pearls living here peacefully . They aware of this and cherish everything they have . They give back to their planet as much as they take from it . The whole planet symbolizes the beauty and harmony .  In human world , there is more tend to technological . It has lost the beauty of the nature . In planet Mül , I do not sure that if there has any animal but there is a creature called Mül converter , it does look like an animal . The Pearls treat them very well . In human world , there are kinds of animal . For example , Mylea , the jellyfish and bromosaur , a kind of big fish created in this movie .  

                                                                                                                      Melo the converter                                  

                                                                                                                 the Bromosaurs

      In the planets shown in the movie , people are living as groups . They execute their missions and live together . Some of them are at war with another planets but most of them living in peace and communicating with each others . However , there is a contradiction between human due to the destruction of the planet Mül caused by General Okto-Bar and he wanted to cover up his crime . They do have food and house but in planet Mül , they are more tend to living in nature .  

     The way they enhance their economy is using the trading system . There is a ' big market ' doing trading among different species . They work to live and also live to work . For example , Bubble , a Glamopod who is also a slave has to entertain her guests to ensure her life , she was forced to work to live Omelite and Azin Mö , who manage the information technology of the Alpha and organic cell , share their knowledge and keep on enhancing the system of the Alpha , they are willing to live to work . Most of them work regularly day by day . As my opinion , if there is someone living in richness , then must be someone living in poverty . They travel by using high-technological transportation such as spaceship . They enhance their transportation well compared to ours , they do travel fast . 

                                                                            Bubble , a Glamopod


                                                                                                                                  Azin Mö      

     The power of this world is still in charged by human . Human dominate the world and contact with other species . This world is in the same situation with us , it has an uneven distribution of power too . For General Okto-Bar , he is the man who has the supreme power , he even has the power to destroy a planet and yet try to cover up his crime ; On the contrary , Bubble , the Glamopod who is in the social vulnerable group , has lost her freedom and repeated her miserable life .  General Okto-Bar and Bubble is the strongest contrast presence : one of them can decide some else's tomorrow but another one couldn't even decide her tomorrow on her own . Most of them aren't free to leave their job and choose what they want independently . The grade of wealth and power are uneven in this world , thus some of them indulge in the power of the authority and yet some of them wish to be free . 

     The rituals of this world are quite different compared with us . The Pearls having a ceremony of returning the resources to the planet as much as they take from it regularly through the Mül converter . Besides ,  the greeting ways of different species of creature are different too . For example , at the beginning of the movie , some of the aliens do not know how the way human greets each other such as shaking hands . 

     Every races have to get along with each others peacefully and respect the different cultures as they are living together in the Alpha . They share their expertise knowledge and exchange it to enhance their lives . Every races need to protect their cultures and homelands , thus they have to learn how to tolerance with each others , with this tolerable heart , the moral starts being constructed and minimizes the conflict between them . As my opinion , the boundaries of right or wrong , good or evil , legal or illegal would be different due to different people have different opinions . The bottom line and temper of each people is different , thus they would have different thoughts towards what you have done , some of them would accept it but some of them would not . Back to the basic , non can forgive what General Okto-Bar has done , but he himself , still trying to cover up his crime and refusing to surrender .  At last , he gets what he deserves . 

                                                          Princess Lihö-Minaa sacrified from the destruction of Planet Mül

     I believe that everyone has a spirit in our mind , it dominates our thoughts and distinguishes rights and wrongs . Same situation with this world too , spiritual life is quite important to formulate the law and organize our life . As my opinion , once our beliefs are same , the religion will be automatically formed . They do have the organized religion but they do not have this concept . It enriches their lives as they have a target due to they believe what they believe and these beliefs make them have a clear vision . The religious establishment does not influence their lives outside the hours of worship . Strictly speaking , they do not actually do the worship , it is just a belief in their mind . Compared the religion with the inner spiritual search , I think both are important . In my thought ,  the religion can only be organized by the people who have the same beliefs . Thus , religion contains our inner thoughts . 

     The emotions blend well with the story that wishes to be portrayed . From the death of Princess Lihö-Minaa through the forgiveness of the Pearls or the bonds in between Major Valerian and Sergeant Laureline , these are all closely linked to the emotions which lead us into the movie . For the fued , the planet of the Pearls has been destroyed by human but the Pearls have chosen to forgive and rebuilt their planet at last . For the love story , Sergeant Laureline suppressed her affection of Major Valerian because she thought that he was a playboy who would never be loyal to her but yet she changed her mind and falls in love with him . These emotional expressions embellish the story plot . As far as I know , there is a world where it is considered important to be controlled and unemotional at all times , which is North Korea . North Koreans have been deprived of their freedom due to the implementation of politic .  I got this information from a speech given by Park Yeon-Mi , a North Korean defector and human rights activist . In the speech , she mentioned that the North Koreans are not free to sing , say ,wear or think what they want . There is no books , no songs , no press and no movies about love story . North Koreans are desperately seeking and dying for freedom at this moment . It is unbelievable that we are not allowed to release our emotions . However , as I am an outsider , I cannot criticize it too much . 

     Creativity and innovation are important on future development . Thus , the creative and performing arts are important . There is not everyone glued to their home computer game . On the contrary , they would go to the red zone to search for the entertainment and do shopping in ' big market ' . They do have leisure time but maybe the military is busier . 

                                                                           the ' big market ' 

      I think people are in general content in this world as the Alpha is quite a good metropolis to serve as a communication channel to mix the different creatures into a huge net . They share what they know and learn what they need . They do not wish to change it or long to leave it because the Pearls are even thinking of rebuilding their homeland . If they did , I think they would miss it . People will always recall the old memories and be regretted of what they have chosen . However , I could not judge the book by its cover that maybe the change might be better . 

     Architecture has a role to play in the value of the society . For example , ' big market ' is developed for  social use and trading . Different spaces have different functions due to the needs of the people or any other creatures . It corresponds with the story because it happens in the future with its high-technologically function . The spaces significant to the characters including the Omelite and Azin Mö , they exist in the specific fields which exclusively belong to them . The purpose of this is to differentiate the talents of different creatures . The architecture suits the period of the movie as it happens in a planet or even an universe with specific building designs and the functions of those building are fitted to that period . As my opinion , the spaces generate tension human perception . Alpha is created to enhance the life of all creatures within the universe , it itself is a platform to further human perception with other creatures . The architecture part plays an important role in the movie as the places shown , Alpha and ' big market ' , are the best significant places to differentiate the theme of this movie with our reality world . The architecture embraces and absorbs everything in the scene that the story plot happened in every parts is closely connected to the Alpha . For the specific architecture style being used , I think there would not have a proper answer but yet maybe it is constructed due to the need of the specific space and using the specific materials to maintain its stability . It makes sense in the context of the story because Alpha is exclusively created to fit the story of this movie . As the reason of the background is set in the future , the materials maybe constructed with new technology but it may also remain the materials we are using today such as bricks or steel . For my opinion , if the materials used are constructed with new technology which haven't appeared in our realistic life , it is the best point to differentiate the different periods between the future and the present . There are different types of architecture used in the movie to show the different levels of society . For example , the red zone and the Alpha . The red zone is created for the lower-class people to search for entertainment and it is more towards classical designs and maybe constructed by bricks ; The Alpha is created for high-class people such as general , commander and military , they work and live in there , it is more towards modern designs or even beyond the modernism and it maybe constructed by steel or specific materials created in the future .

     In a nutshell , this movie is really touching my heart that it consists of the decent life which I always follow and the realistic life which is actually cruel . On the other hand ,  it contains fair and foul that reflects our real life . Technology is continuously improving , our world might be evolved into the world mentioned in the movie but so far I am still believing on no matter how much the world changes , we must remain kind and this kindness will create a wonderful future . 

