Valerian And The City Of Thousand Planets - - - - - - - - - Yan Chyuan Kai 1001542562

Valerian And The City Of Thousand Planets 

This movie hit me hard with its deep thought on setting and it still reverberating in my mind . It emphasize a lot about the culture differences and the communication between races which resembles the current state of our country - Malaysia . The story tells about the adventures of two main protagonist  Major Valerian and Sergeant Laureline  as government agent undergo mission throughout the galaxies . 
                I was assigned to analyze the Background and Setting of the movie - Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets . The movie was a fantasy-based movie with a great setting of vast range of cultures differences and personalities binds together in one 'space metropolis' . The story is set in the future era on 28th century which way beyond our time and limitless imagination can be thought on this . It might happen or it might not so it is a great fit for a FANTASY-BASED MOVIE

Venture into the stories ahead 


Alpha - Home of 5000 Species

   Endless time ahead , Sound of Home .....        

The metropolis they live in has a vast climate and difference landscape in it . To be more precise , it is not metropolis but a spaceship . As time goes by , spaceship docked with one spaceship continuing another .  Each spaceship has its personal climate in it . For an example , marine alien with its aquatic way of surviving so its spaceship has the climate of complete moisture and filled with sea . As this happen , different races with different spaceship connected together . Hence ,  it became a humongous spaceship with 5000 different races with the preferences of calling it ' Alpha ' . A name for the large city . The beauty of Alpha is that when you move from a spaceship to another it became a complete changes of climate , culture and peoples . In the early part of the story , the black market in a different planet is introduced in a desert area whereby all is surrounded with sand . The tourist that visits the place portrayed that they are lightly dressed due to the dry and humid climate condition .  In order to infiltrate , the protagonist in the movie also blends in wearing light and breezy attire . 

Agent Major Valerian & Sergeant Laureline

  Civilization .... 

Azin Mo
 What makes me overwhelmed is that the races in the movie . The races is not just  human , but also aliens that scatter across the world seek a place which they would want it to called HOME ' . Over the centuries ,they shared intelligence and cultures among each other in order to find the consensus between the aliens and the humans . There are few significant one which are 'Omelite' a race that is 
a race that is expert in technology and IT system . 'Azin Mo' a race that specialized in cellular materialization abilities particularly producing any kind of organic cells . 4999 different races and human live in one planet is a great setting for the movie . Each of  the races contributes to Alpha in order to maintain order and peace . For example , the 'Azin Mo' be official doctor of Alpha and 'Omelite' as the engineer . It portray the vast culture differences and the connection between  them

The Infiltration

All's Fair in Love and War . Where there's peace , there's always war follows .....

The society of Alpha is kept in peace and different races bonds together . They - all races come to a consensus that all should live in harmony in the planet Alpha . The war started when greed and selfish act of the ruler of Alpha causing a whole planet vanished and the race 'Pearl' in the planet almost extinct . Luckily for the Pearl , they managed to escape the near-death incident . When that happened , the ruler - Commander Arun wanted to close-up all his wrong doing in the past and tried to wipe off the 'Pearl' in order to keep himself safe . 'The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist 'The world has changed to a better future but not all the people in it  . What kept the setting astonishing is that the Pearl did not seek vengeance but seek a new home instead . 


Doghan Daguis
      In this film , all has his own freedom . There is no restriction for people who live in Alpha . They can go anywhere they wish to go except for certain place that a particular races wish to stay within themselves and not with other races . For the people on Alpha are free to roam around anywhere , this was demonstrated on a scene where this race - Doghan Daguis( specialist as a information seller ) walking around the military base which is very peculiar . It portrayed that the setting for this movie has a minimal law enforcement . As for the protagonist of the movie , Major Valerian and Sergeant Laureline work for the government as an secret agent are summoned back to safeguard Alpha  - home to species from thousand of planets . There are also refugee 'Bubble' a shapeshifter entertainer , a survivor of her planet forced to work in a pub at slum market to entertain guest as a dancer . As we can conclude , the background has vast range of social life that are noticeable in the movie .  The setting of spiritual life in this universe is not a major element as the species that are present are all atheism . 


'Love Beyond Everything , It Precipitated The Hatred ' .......

The emotions do play a role in the movie . The two main protagonist '  Major Valerian   and  Sergeant Laureline   play a love-hate relationship whereby they are actually in love but doesn't want to admit to it . The setting for this movie is that there are freedom for emotions and love in this universe and all are free to express whatever they feel to the world . The love between the two main protagonist are prominent because that is what drive their will to move forward , and continue their mission . Even though the story was set in the modern era but nevertheless the human ethics still stay intact where people still know the boundaries of good and bad which is portrayed when the Commander Arun wipe out a whole planet in order to achive his goals . The beauty of artistry is still present within the universe where can be seen through the action of the protagonist is having sunbath and chilling on the beach even though they are weighed with so much of responsibility of keeping the world safe . Other than that , we can also notice that they have slum market even in the futuristic world for them to enjoy beer in the bar , trading and watch people dance



 The architecture indeed play a role in any movie as it helps to create different atmosphere in different world . One of the illustration can be seen is that in the planet 'Mul' which is fully beach landscape , the inhabitant's house is rather short and and light structured . The structure of the house blends well with the surrounding in term of climate and landscape , the ventilation is clearly the best when you have a thatch material for a house . Therefore , you don't need any further controlled ventilation such as fans and air-conditioner .   To emphasize on the society of planet 'Mul' , the leader of 'Pearl' race live in a bigger house structure than the other inhabitant in that planet . Some planet like the black-market area is surrounded with the huge and tall walls to distinguished the holographic areas that is projected when a person enter the black-market and the vast desert area . The alpha is also a huge metropolis to begin with , it has different architecture style in different regions . For instance , in the slum market , all the building are tightly binds together as it shape a route rather than having a wide roads . Even though the story is focus on the adventure of the protagonist , but the architecture element served as the backdrop in the movie is also fairly important as it supports well to strengthen the world . 
Planet 'Mul'
         Every planet and areas has its certain characteristics of architecture element . Therefore , when the ships combine from one to another in Alpha . It became a vast different of cultures and element which defines its own architecture characteristics that are present in the Alpha . The metal and steel play as the main big part of the material in futuristic world assuming that it is the only material that are easily mined and most available at that time . For example , the outer part of Alpha is widely used on steel and metal only . There is also some raw material which is the stones which is present in the planet 'Mul' . For conclusion , architecture plays a part in creating a background that support the storyline which the director wish to portray . It is also easily to determine the time period by just setting the architecture element in the movie .  
