Valerian and the City Of Thousand Planets - Ng Shi Qi 1001542350

Valerian and the City of Thousand Planets 

Type of world

City of thousand planets is happen in 28 century. It’s a realistic, exotic and fantastic world. The city of thousand planets is created as an artificial planet for all the species. But due to the gravity of earth, it has to be moved away far from the earth otherwise it might crash the earth. Intro of the movie. Human admit different kind of species and shaking hand with them which show they having some kind of contract to benefit each other’s such as exchanging knowledge to develop Alpha. Planet Kirian which is fully surrounded by sand. The background is using Egypt as case study. As the building in big market, somewhere around planet Kirian is using same building material such as clay. And the atmosphere is similar to the market in Egypt such as Khan El Khalili market Cairo Egypt. Under the big market, there is thousands of shopping level.  The building under compose the characteristic of time square and Shibuya and other. This show exotic from other country which is so different from Malaysia. One of the scene show fantastic which is before people entering the big market, they see nothing just a blank space and people walking around. Only after using a specify goggles, people can view the big market and other species inside from different dimension. After the shopping, the items from big market have to go through a specify converter so the item can be back to the same dimension as human. Travelling from a space to another space show how fantastic too.

                                                      Alpha - City of thousand of planets

                                                                Planet Kirian - big market

                                                  Khan El Khalili market Cairo Egypt

                                                                 Part of the big market

                                                          Big market without goggle 


Different kind of species live under different climate such as Boulan Bathorfrom planet Goara which is a species live in mild climate. There’s no specify climate in city of thousands planet. When Valerian was having his rest on the beach, the climate and the surrounding is controlled by Alex, spaceship of Valerian which show that climate is modify for different species for their most suitable living condition. They can living among the area inside Alpha. Example, Valerian walked around the red strict which having different type of species staying together such as species of Boulan-Bathor. But they can’t travel outside of Alpha without spaceship due to gravity and oxygen. There’s a lot of danger around Alpha, where is the area controlled by other species such as butterfly cage. Boulan-Bathor using a beautiful blue butterfly as a bait to attract their prey. Once they prey being catch, they will be only be killed and cooked for their king. Another point is Bubble, a Glamopod species being killed during escaped from Boulan-bathor. Next, Bromosaur a species live underwater with their little friend, Mylea jellyfish. K-tron is a robot which only listen to General Oto-bar's order which is eliminated the Mul species.


                                              Butterfly cage - butterfly to attract prey




City of thousand planets is surrounded by galaxy. It is a city which and be expanded and a deport for space ships from other planet from outside of Alpha so there’s less view to galaxy. Most of the citizen having their own zone to stay and according to the species, the zone is modify to be the most suitable living condition. There’s animal species in Alpha due to thousand species of citizen there. One of them is Doghan Daguis, a species of pigeon, Bromosaur, Mylea and others. From the movie scene, human treat them badly as Laureline threat them if they not provide her information and she caught Mylea. Different species of citizen is providing advantage to each other and having trading which show equality and mutual benefit. And this cause the reason which develop city of thousands .Each kind of species is under their own species which avoid the situation of racist. In the scene, the Doghan Daguis walked around military area without any blocking.

                                            Outside of Alpha - spaceship depart area

                                                               Doghan Daguis


People in city of gallery lives together as group. Each species lives in their own zone which is connect together which closer them and show team work. There’s a  zone such red zone which every species stay together and having normal activity such as trading. Alpha is a city which every kind of species stay with piece. They will be in war when theirs is something disadvantage them such as example the General Oto-bar want to erase the Mul species from history just because they have to pay for the amount for destroy Mul planet and human might not be the top government for city of thousands. In the scene, there’s no fight about food which show they live under a good condition except some kind of species such as a bubble, a refugees from other planet as she said dead is better than living. Different species live in different zone according to their situation. Such as underwater, house for human and other species.  

                                                                      The red zone

                                        Boulan-bathor walking through a busy kitchen.


The species living through trading system. In Big Market, most of the species live as broker, seller, mechanism and other such as black market, information seller. They earn money as we can see there’s a lot of traveler go to Big Market and buying stuff from there. Secondly. Doghan Daguis, a kind of pigeon species who earn money by selling information. East of alpha is more to finance and banking area. Bubble is the most suitable example who work to live. She escaped from her planet and working in red zone as slave for her life. General of Oto-bar is an example as live to work. He is willing to eliminated species Mul for human benefit and future. In a country there’s always a class from rich to poverty no matter what species and no matter presence or future. 

Bubble, glamopod

                                      " SOMETIMES, DEAD IS BETTER THAN LIVING."

The travel in this world is using high technology transportation. As we can see the bus they used during big market is fast when they are escaping away from Megoptor. While Alex is travelling in speed faster than the bus, which it can also travel through space to another planet. Valerian use sky jet to chasing after the Mul when commander has been kidnapped. Due to surrounding is full of building so the movement is fast and chaotic. The triangular spaceship which created by Mul can be divided after attacked by Valerian. It show chaotic movement too.

                                                              Alex - Valerian spaceship 


Alpha is control by human. From the intro movie, different race of human was meeting together and they start admit different kind of species from other planet to alpha. And when there’s something weird happen to the central of alpha, human is in charge of it. And they even have military department in alpha. Major valerian fall in love with sergeant Laureline which show they can chose who they want.  But bubble didn’t has any chose for her life as she didn’t want to be a slave and stay in red zone. She has to listen to her owner and she was even worry that he will kill her when she escaped from her owner. They can do what they want as they finish their work. For instance, Valerian was having his rest beside the beach although he hadn’t read thought his mission and memorize the map. As we can see the commander and decided who to died but bubble has no choice. Commander decided to launch the rocket even he knew there’s species living in planet Mul and he decided to eliminated species Mul to erase his mistake and worry they might endanger human species. According to the species they will have their own zone to live. As Omelites which is a species good in technology and security. Alpha is catalyst as north for science, east of alpha for technology, finance and banking. While west of alpha is for darkness area and lastly south is for underwater species. Bubble has no spare time as the red zone is not having daylight. It will be nighttime in red zone due to it’s under deep valley. As the more power and health they have they can commend others such as the General Oto-bar order Valerians to catch those Mul species when commander woke up from kidnapping. Bubble did wish to be free from red zone that why she is willing to helping Valerian to escape even thought she knew it will be danger. 


As different race having their own greeting way such as Japanese people bow. Most of the human shakes hand when they meet. But in intro of movie, there’s some alien species didn’t shake hand cause they have no idea that shaking hand is a greeting way. Another deep impression of ritual greeting is species Mul. They greet each other by waving their right hand from forehead.


When alpha expending, the amount of species living together increase, the fraction increase too. So they have to learn tolerance and respect to each other. By this, the moral constructs has shown. General Oto-bar had destroy the planet Mul due to the war with the aliens. He believe the sacrifice of planet Mul is worth for human. A black guy soldier has been sacrifice because he knew there’s species in planet Mul. General Mul worry that he might leak the secret so he was killed. General Oto-bar think that what he done is necessary. So he decided to eliminate all of the species of Mul and erase them from history for alpha future and human’s power. Because he think what he did is correct so he has no plan to correct his mistake and he didn’t admit it as a wrong decision. But what if general Oto-bar didn’t win the war with alien, the war might continue to 28 century which will cause a huge damage to them and slow down their development.

Spiritual life

Species Mul believe deeply that nature gives them all they need so they have to return it to their mother, nature. When they found a special pearl three times, they have to return it by feed the special pearl to Melo Convertor. It will duplicates the pearls and drops it to a well which will return those pearls to nature. Their spiritual life enrich species Mul by continuous of pearl harvest by nature. No, religion is paramount as a develop country without religion it will be chaotic but when a country with a strong religion it will show harmony, united and solidarity.


It’s important to have emotion, only by this. They can felt the world, to each other. For love, they willing to risk their life. For example, when Laureline lost track ofVvalerian, she is willing to go underwater with a submariner to find Mylea which is a kind of jellyfish lives with Bromosaur, a huge underwater creature. She even willing to stay inside the Mlyea for one minutes to track down Valerian.  Valerian show his love by break into Boulan Bathor to save Laureline. And he decided to has Laureline, the only women in his playlist. Wars cause negative emotion. Before the planet Mul exploded princess Liho-Minaa was feeling sad because she gonna leave from what she loves and her families but there’s no anger in her eyes when she knew she can’t escaped from the explosion. After a long times, species Mul decided to forgive what General Oto-bar had done to their planet and their princess. It is acceptable to express emotion openly cause we have feeling so theirs is no wrong to express it. If a country is govern under a dictator system, citizens will be depress and start having negative emotion and mind which it might lead to a war or escape of citizens from the country. No, none liked to be control by someone even it’s the king.


Creative and performing is playing an important role in life. In alpha, creative is important to further their technology and develop the city. As my opinion, creative and performing can release stress and influence the mood of surrounding and bring joy, it tell a story too. No. As for planet Mul, they know each other well and greet to each other friendly cause most of their activity is pearl harvest, distinguish and deliver the pearls. People entertain themselves by having shopping at big market or going to red zone to enjoy a performance. They do have their own leisure time as Valerian was resting on the beach and the red zone is fully filled with the people.


Alpha is a city of thousands of planet which full of different species. There’s always a place to suit for different species. Each kind of species has their own contribution.  All of the species trying their best to develop alpha. As bubble escape from her planet to alpha which shoe that alpha is a perfect planet for her. Human will always remember the past no matter how. Species Mul show this characteristic obviously. They lost their home, 6 million of their own kind and their princess but they forgive General Oto-bar but they can’t forget their home, Planet Mul. That way they were searching for Melo Convertor all the way.


Architecture is important and having big value which show in big market and Alpha. The space in big market show the culture of the Planet Kirian and thousands of level of shop which make sense that it is name as big market although there's kinda lots of area which human cannot be access. And this setting make big market sound more dangerous. While the space in Alpha totally show a different atmosphere from Big Market. Alpha is surrounded by galaxy which make it so outstanding and special in the movie. As there's a lot of spaceship from other planets surrounding Alpha which make it look like an airport for different species to exchange their culture and information.

Both of the iconic place having tension and distort to human perception. As we know Big Market is having thousands of level of shop hidden in underground. There is so many stuff happening below the ground and the architecture style is totally different from the market on the ground. If only if human can allow to access the area below the ground or there's someone bring human going down or accidentally break into the underground like Valerian. So, The Big Market is distort human perception. But for the Alpha, it is totally tension human perception because Alpha is a city which exchanging culture and technology and information amount other species. At the same time, Alpha is under control by human which show human is taking lead while learning from others. 

Architecture show the characteristic of the process of development from past to now. And it show the culture of specify surrounding and it show the power and the wealth. I cant imagine if the Big Market was build beside an ocean due to the material of the building. And the Alpha is design perfectly on the galaxy. In first glare, the view of galaxy is amazing and awesome but when someone facing a same view with just dark sky and stars after few months, few years it will getting more and more boring. That is one of the reason why Alpha i designed as citizen activity mostly facing centralist and less opening. Secondly, outside of Alpha is full of spaceships which pollute the nature view.

They do have specific architecture style according to different species. Such an example, species Mul stay at a house look like shell, big market is combination of  ancient building style for example the market on top of ground having architecture style  of Egypt and Arabian material more to clay while underground is combination of time square and Shibuya market. As Alpha, its a future architecture style cause it need to be afford the galaxy environment need and material will be more to metal structure and possibility of appear of new material to suit galaxy surrounding.

In the movie, architecture style is used to show different levels of society as Planet Mul is a peaceful and harmony planet so the building is using shell which from the nature while Big Market is combining different architecture style as it is a trading area, businessman come from different place exchanging the culture and it end up becoming having that much of elements and special. Alpha is a city of thousand planet which sharing information and technology which make it look more spectacular and iconic and the building which having the most fast development.

                                                                          Planet Mul

                                                 Big market - underground levels


Conclusion, Valerian and the city of thousands of planet show an amazing background setting. I'm impressed with the different species’s culture and their technology and the way they get along and communicated. The movie did bring in the realistic which is the classes of society from rich to poor. People dominated by power people. And the red zone the darkness and sorrow place in the world. I'm not sure what will be happen tomorrow either future but yet we still hold tight to our religion. Although we all having different religion but our god always tell us to treat other kindly and provide help to those who need. Human shall united as one. 

