A Talk with a Lecturer - Leong Jiang Ling 1001436853
Today, we are having a talk with Mr.James Lim from UCSI University. It very pleasured that Mr.James talk about his design and his concept of the building that he designed. Please have look to his design.

Novi : From all of the design, is there any issue with the end user feedback?
Mr.James : There is feedback received like it's too iconic even though it's not on a big scale, but mostly, the main point of the feedback from the end user is that they liked it and enjoy using the space.
Pang Shi Han : Comparing Malaysia and Singapore, do you think Singapore is a better platform for architects to explore and be given more opportunities in terms of exposure and experiences?
Mr.James : Yes, as Singapore is a small country, it becomes a design hub where architects from Singapore will receive various projects from other countries around south east Asia. The architect will be given more exposure toward international projects and be able to work with people from all around the world.
Yap Yen Ling : In your opinion, do you think the architect still following the theories of architecture in terms of designing rather than just follow the clients’ needs?
Mr.James : Of course, we still follow those theories somehow but when architects design also need to refer back to the client's requirement and as I mentioned just now the project Point 92, we do pursuit and try to educate them with our typology and design sense. If you talk about theories in term of philosophy kind I think this seldom happens in Malaysia and it is too individualism to practice in Malaysia too.
Logeish : Your (Mr. James) designs speaks a lot about random openings and allow natural phenomenon penetrate thru building. What if the client likes the idea, but with neat and less opening on the facade?
Mr.James : Convincing the client is hard but work smart with what you can substitute with clients needs with a proposed cost.
The building that he shared is the Point 92, Petaling Jaya (2012). The reason why Mr.James design this kind of facade is because, at the night time, the light of the surrounding show random, and Mr.James wanted the facade to be also random both the night time and day time. The dot of the facade is also showing a message to people who walk around to can touch them.
Before he builds the building using cement, he also did for different material. At the lobby of this building, he wanted a special spatial that look that polishing and there are many trees outside the lobby to buffer off the sunlight due to the building is located at high rise building.
This is a place that people come out to have a break and discussions

The second building is the competition that Mr.James participated. This is the building that Mr.James designed to let the building look the same, and the floor above is a cantilever from the basement. The concept of this design is Mr.James want to be natural, so he used the raw material and tree.
The facade is to let the resident be more relax
The facade is to let the resident be more relax
The third project is an office tower at Jalan Sultan Islam. The concept of this facade is a stone that looks black and shape. Although outside of this building look black, inside of this building is look whitish.
After Mr.James's project, he went to Singapore to work because the new office had given more time for Mr.James to design a new project. And then, Mr.James designed an old age home that towards nature. This because the old age people will like it.

The whole building will look pitched and the middle of the building is a courtyard.
The next project is the Cup house. This house is to reserve the bijih timah.
The next is the project in Myanmar. It is a opened beach area covered with a lot of jungle for tourist.
Other than that, the next project is at Lot 2300, located at the second link. It surrounded by jungle and the other side of this area is a lot of car racing and car show. The concept of this project creates an eye saw to people.
Apart from this project, Mr.James also build a small cafe located in Cyberjaya. Inside the cafe, there is a counter table that very interesting that appeared with different level of a table and there is socking a timber into the ground with the brick because Mr.James don't want it to brick only just brick.
The light feature above the counter table is hand made by Mr.James. Some of the light is soft and some are brighter because he wants it to be special and different from other normal lighting feature. At the other side of the wall, Mr.James punched the wall and let the light come out from the wall to make it not just only a brick wall.
The next project is also a cafe that Mr.James tried some new idea that is modules building. The timber is modules from the wall that can let people put their craft and art.
The last project is the project at Taman Desa. This building used a special material of carbonate is because the material looks like glass but actually not. The people outside will see the people's shadow moving inside the building.
After finish sharing his project, we will have some question for Mr.James.
Mr.James : There is feedback received like it's too iconic even though it's not on a big scale, but mostly, the main point of the feedback from the end user is that they liked it and enjoy using the space.
Pang Shi Han : Comparing Malaysia and Singapore, do you think Singapore is a better platform for architects to explore and be given more opportunities in terms of exposure and experiences?
Mr.James : Yes, as Singapore is a small country, it becomes a design hub where architects from Singapore will receive various projects from other countries around south east Asia. The architect will be given more exposure toward international projects and be able to work with people from all around the world.
Yap Yen Ling : In your opinion, do you think the architect still following the theories of architecture in terms of designing rather than just follow the clients’ needs?
Mr.James : Of course, we still follow those theories somehow but when architects design also need to refer back to the client's requirement and as I mentioned just now the project Point 92, we do pursuit and try to educate them with our typology and design sense. If you talk about theories in term of philosophy kind I think this seldom happens in Malaysia and it is too individualism to practice in Malaysia too.
Logeish : Your (Mr. James) designs speaks a lot about random openings and allow natural phenomenon penetrate thru building. What if the client likes the idea, but with neat and less opening on the facade?
Mr.James : Convincing the client is hard but work smart with what you can substitute with clients needs with a proposed cost.
In conclusion, Mr.James is way more creative after having a talk with him, and his project inspires us not to be stubborn in one particular design but further design ours project even we have to decide what material we needed for our design.
Mr.James had expressed his idea deeper into his project and built much expressive building by trying more model and sketches and even investigate the surrounding of the site.
Mr.James did much work in sketches because it will inspire your idea and more design develop. He also a person that like random is because it doesn't make you feel boring. He also plays with the material that is simple just a brick but adds a new material to it, to make it more interesting.
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