Main Blog( Ng Shi Qi 1001542350)
As an architecture student, we always have a tutorial, rushing our work in the studio. We have a tutorial from a lecturer, suggestions from friends but we lack of exchange idea/ concept with senior and junior. A platform which we can exchange idea with senior and junior not only this, if we can have a platform to exchange idea with a different university will be better. By this, the opportunity for us to open our mind. I used to work in a studio. In the studio, we can work together with senior and junior. By this, we can stronger our relationship not only as knowing each other only. I used to do my work in the studio with seniors. That time, I gained a lot experience as senior will giving us advice. We will be exchanging our opinion as well and helping each other. The most interesting part to work in the studio as you are not the only one who is rushing or panic for a due date. A chance we can learn from others instead of only those good in our university. The way they develop or design.
Next is the computer program such as SketchUp and Revit, Photoshop and others. It is good to use them for 3d submission but I realized those who are not from diploma kinda panic about this because all of us used manual sketches for semester 1 till last semester. It is good for us to improve our manual skill but at the same time, we are the lacking skill for computer programs. I wish I have learned it early so I won't be temporarily cramming.
Moreover, model making is another important step in architecture to show architecture work. I wish I could learn how to detail up my model instead just finish a 'model'. I like model making as it makes my design and idea in 3d but the glue always mess around. I would like to learn a way to do a proper, clean and neat model.
I wish I could learn theories of architecture more early instead of semester 4. To me, it's kinda too late to learn it. We shall learn it early so we know the guideline, theory of architecture. By this, we will be knowing when it will be correct or what is the most important. But at the same time, I realize how important is a history of architecture classes as it let us know the building development of different era. But to be honest, it is kinda sad for us to know to listen to those oversea building but without using my eyes and touch it. It feels like we are just talking on the paper.
A good site visit for every semester. For my university, we do have site visit for every semester but I hope that we have a really good site visit as we can learn something from there. But from those site visit, we mostly do for sketching and complete the assignment. I wish to learn something which I cannot learn from online or books. Basically, I will like to learn about site context and genius loci of the site and the way they develop it.
As we know, we have 6 semesters for architecture's degree. In that 3 years, we are just gonna make the construction on paper( AutoCAD etc). We are lack of real site construction. During construction class, my lecturers always sharing their knowledge and experience but I got no experience. I don't know what the real issue when I'm gonna work in future. The university did hold the event with PAM and others for real site construction with a limited amount of students. When the amount reaches the limit, others cannot attend. In my class there are 60 plus students... how many can attend?
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