Proportion and Organization - Leong Jiang Ling 1001436853
"Proportion can refer to ratio, or it can refer to architectural beauty."
The role of proportion and organization, nowadays, are interconnected with architecture. Though architecture and the design process of an architect, we can know that the proportion is much more important than what we usually design for just a functional space.
As an architecture student, we design a building according to the user, for functioning, will be based on the proportion and organization. For today, I think that the proportion and organization are necessary for human functioning and the best solution for a design is to planning a space with the correct proportion and organization.
Just like the case study below.
The building named, the Primark building, has been designed to stand out and draw the attention of the football on the street. It is 3 stories building, the length of it facade make it stand out.
The facade of the building catches the attention of the people who walking or working around, this makes the interesting part of this building. Just like Andrea Palladio claimed, "building should place the most important and prestigious parts in full view and the less beautiful in locations concealed as far."
Besides, the facade which wraps around the elevation is very linear with many divides within it. The use of a glazed curtain wall facade also allows a great deal of natural light into the building. "You will let light in wherever you like. Your window wall will be made of transparent glass or special glass ..."
And not only this glazing attracts the football on Northumberland Street, it has used of advertising in its design allowing the glazing to provide a place for advertisement through a large television above the main entrance, posters and finally to be able to see right through the shop from outside on the street.
This point of this building provides the feeling of a shopping center to people who pass by and it would make people who like interested in the product can see through the advertising. Just like Le Corbusier said,"proportions provoke sensations."
BE1380 Design Principles and Procedures,
Andrea Palladio, Excerpts From The Four Books On Architecture, First published in 1570, 245.
Le Corbusier, The Plan of The Modern House, First published in 1930, 253.
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