1.What are the various definitions and connotations of the terms ' ornament ' in architecture ? For example , how is ' ornament ' similar or different from terms like ' decoration , ' ' application , ' ' integration , ' ' function , ' etc ? - Chin Yi Hong 1001542729


The definition of ornament in architecture is an embellishment or visual effect of a building . It usually does not have any practical purpose such as figurine or sculpture . It has to look abundant and attractive to catch our visions .

The connotation of ornament is : it represents culture or characteristic of an era , for example , the ' Qian Nian ' ceramic mosaic of Chinese architecture . Besides , it can be influenced by religions . For example , the ornaments of an Indian temple including the tiers or the carvings , are formed by the images of Gods .

The similar between ' ornament ' and ' decoration ' is both of them are utilized to enhance the aesthetic of the building . However , ornament categorizes the building into different styles such as Gothic architecture having roses windows and buttresses . Thus , the difference between ' ornament ' and ' decoration ' including : ' ornament ' can be influenced by different cultures , religions or races but ' decoration ' is only utilized to support these elements . In other words , ' ornament ' itself can be an independent design but ' decoration ' is just a supplementary .

Chin Yi Hong - 1001542729
