5. How is or is not “ornament” an appropriate concept or term in architecture today? - Leong Jiang Ling 1001436853

An ornament is an appropriate concept in architecture today. Ornament as the structure itself to bring the beauty of the culture. The ornament can bring the culture to people just like a church with its cover to represent the culture and the beauty itself. If a church with it history background but doesn't have the ornament to represent its meaning, it will be wasteful. I agree with the article wrote by Joseph because it said, "it was beautiful because it served its purpose most directly".  an ornament is needed for architecture today as he said, "ornament must be integrated with the way the building is built, as well as the way it is used". A building needs its ornament to represent the meaning, the culture, the historical background. If there is no ornament in one building, no people will never know what happen inside and grab no attention from other people. This will make people feel just a normal building and won't approach to it. It ends up by killing the interesting part of this building. Lastly, a building without its ornament, it's boring, and no meaning.
