4. For each of the texts, discuss a major issue with which you most agree and most disagree, reflect upon why you hold this views. Yap Jia Cherng 1001642857


  • I agree with that ornament takes more time to complete but it often does not pays back the deserved if compared to a plain and fast manufactured with the same function. Ornament waste too much of labour and material if the aim of the client is only the function. In the perspective of physical function, it is true that both ornamented and plain product serves the same purpose. In the perspective of  efficiency, it is true that the industry needs faster production to upkeep or to expand. In the perspective of working time, it is true that if the price of the product is similar, it is unfair to the ornament worker.

  • I disagree with that ornament has no organic relation to our culture, and ornament no longer express our culture. Ornament was originated by practises, stories, legends or beliefs in old time. A single flower means something, a repeated geometrical shape expresses something, a carved pattern tells something. Ornaments gives a hint of what a single wall wants to express, or what kind of building is it, or it tells something about what does the project belongs to. What I am trying to tell is that ornament does not belongs to any of the era in the timeline, it belongs to the peoples who created them, and it belongs to all their generations, too. Ornaments does not remain in the old times or it only tell old stories, it gets along with the timeline and changes its form. The culture of a race or religion may be adapted to the modern lifestyle, so do ornaments. The globalization had make people more " international " or more integrated to each other, but this does not eliminate the specific culture of a race, is just that it has change its form and become " international ", and so do this happens to ornamentation. In short, I strongly disagree that ornaments is belonged to a specific era or it only express a narrow timeline, it evolves with people and it changes according to the evolving of culture. It is a kind of reflect of the specific timeline instead.
