Context (Ng Shi Qi 1001542350)

Before we start to design a building, we always start with site analysis.Truly understanding and analysis it. And then we blend the site context into the building so the building won't be simple build or it can build anywhere.  But what is site context? Is it simply understanding the site will be enough? What is the main role of site context in architecture?  

Site context is a preliminary phase of architecture and urban design processes dedicated to the study of the climate, geographical, historical, legal, and infrastructural context of a specific site. But to me, site context is more than that. It contains human activity( what kind of age people mostly at the site), race, population, language, cultural, political, materials, the mood of the site, SWOP (strength, weakness, opportunity, potential ).

Simply understanding site context won't be solving a problem and fulfill the requirement. It likes you know the question and the answer for the exam but u dunno how to apply it. A building without site context can be built anywhere, any country for any race. However, when the building merges with site context, it is clearly designed for specify site, country, race, language etc. We plan the building according to the site to solve the problem, to engage the human interaction, to engage the purpose of the site and make it works,, to know the need of the site, the circulation etc. A building without site context can be fit anywhere but with no content, while a building merges with site context show the content, context of the site

Fall House by Fougeron Architecture steps down a cliffside. The Pacific Ocean in California mountain Big Sur region.

This building merges with the site context using the form which is slanted to represent the cliff and the position which is perched on the cliff.

"Our design strategy embeds the building within the land, creating a structure inseparable from its context," said architect Anne Fougeron. 

"The lower volume acts as a promontory above the ocean, offering breathtaking views from its floor-to-ceiling windows, one-story concrete wing has been built perpendicular to the main house" which Fougeron describes as "the boulder locking the house to the land". 

                                                        South facade with copper cladding.

                                                             North facade with glass.

The home's glazing has been maximised on the northern side to bring in light and views and minimised on the southern side to reduce heat-gain from the sun. The southern facade, which is wrapped in copper cladding up the wall and over the roof, also features overhangs to protect it from sun and rain. The facade to the north is made all of glass; clear expanses of glass open the house to the view. The placement of the material to control the amount of sunlight penetrate into the space.

                                                          Natural materials.

They used the natural material such as French limestone flooring and sustainable timber on the walls and ceiling to create a visual connection between the house and its natural setting.

"The interior is a shelter, a refuge in contrast with the roughness and immense scale of the ocean and cliff," said Fougeron.

The stepped layout of the building also encourages natural ventilation, with cool fresh air coming in at the lower level, and stale hot air exhausted from the top.

                                                         Leveling according to the cliff.

It is interesting that the designer used different height of level according to the cliff instead of flattening the site. By this, the building merges on the site as perched on the cliff.

                                                        Exploded glass roof.

                                          No fences( no security) and glass wall ( no privacy)

Fall House is designed to be merged into the site. With those elements, Fall House can only be built in contour area and surrounded by nature and good view. We cant imagine that if Fall House was gonna build in Malaysia. Firstly, the glass material roofing and a lot of glazing are not suitable in a tropical country as our climate is totally different. Next, Asia building mostly surrounded by fence as consider about security and safety. Another point is privacy as the building north facade is made of glass so there won't be any privacy to the client. And that's another reason why Fall House is on the cliff with full glass on north facade because it is surrounded by nature. Moreover, culture between western country and eastern country is different as they are more open mind about privacy.

For the task before us is to satisfy men's hearts by Le Corbusier. Men refer to the clients and users. We shall consider the client before us as understanding and fulfill their needs and requirements. A building which is specialty design for men. 

Context is predominantly a physical, social, economic, political issue and even more aspects. Different country has their very own situation. Each new situation requires a new architecture by Jean Nouvel. As these aspects always influence each other. I strongly believe when we overcome with there, it will be more surprising and greater. 

