Honesty & Deception (Ng Shi Qi 1001542350)
There is always an argument for honesty in architecture or deception in architecture. There are no answers for it as we have different mind and thinking. John Ruskin said there are two types of man which appreciate the structure of the building and another type which looks structure as ugly. So, when we looking into the structure of a building others might just want to see something or a layer to cover up the structure. Let's take an example, the building used to have a ceiling to cover up the beams which support the upper floor or roof but now it's totally different as we can see lots of building using explored ceiling which we can view those beams even service wire. As the age is changing, human mind is changing as well according to the requirement to the surrounding.
Honesty in architecture means it does not cover up the structure and the material is not becoming it is not such as the explored ceiling and the brick is not becoming a cement or marble. and it is a design which more coherent with modern style such as industrial architecture. In contrast, deception in architecture or deceit architecture is something which covering the true material, misleading the viewer and lastly, it serves no purpose like decoration.
Honesty of architecture expresses the structure of the building without covering although it might look ugly to others but the detail of the building such as joints stand out itself when viewer look closer. That structure part is the back bone of a building without them a building is just a sand castle. Traditional architecture which shows their true form as they show their structure which anything. Albeit deception architecture is more into aesthetic purpose which considers covering up the structure. For an example, Frank Gehry's work using outstanding outlook to cover up the structure. Deception architecture uses something attractive or outstanding to attract the viewer while honest architecture is showing their true form and what they really are.
The relationship between interior and exterior for honesty architecture is simple as they are using the same material while deception architecture will be more interesting and curious as they might be a brick wall for exterior but marble wall for the interior.
From the front part, we can clearly know the difference between them and the role they have been playing in age so the expression of goal will be different as well. Honesty architecture expresses it beauty thought detail silently and lonely. You can only know it by looking closer and deeper. Honesty architecture form follows their structure as the structure is the one decide how will it look like. For honesty architecture, its goal is to show the reality of the structure.
The details are not details. They make the design. by Charles Eames.
Deception architecture is insolent, over-react. From the far, you can know its beauty. For it, form cover structure. Obviously, deception architecture goal is using its aesthetic form to attract attraction.
The challenge for honesty architecture is with its true form it might be rejected by the second type of people. So from here, it needs to be so specified for the structure part until it looks amazed to them. However, for deception architecture, it shall stop hiding the truth form of it and consider the property and value of the material as well. It should consider the rational design.
Royal Ontario Museum by Danial Libeskind. The outlook of the museum is outstanding which successful attract visitors to it. The building material is aluminum, glass sitting on top of a steel frame. The main structure is steel frame which allows the structure to follow the forms instead of standing alone. The design of the opening is following the form as to merge into the design. The exterior of the museum is not covering the structure as we can see through the glass there are specific and special structure ly under the skin. Inside of the museum, the column is in specify angle to merge the design. The Crystal is inspired by the ROM's gem and mineral collection.
Royal Ontario Museum is having honesty architecture for structure and reason for the Crystal as well. Deception architecture for the outlook. The composition of them makes the museum to be so special and attractive.
Architecture nowadays should merge honest and deception architecture and use the advantage of them to building a building instead of sticking to one of it. the building shall be able to accept the requirement from surrounding and follow the step of technology.
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